Thursday, September 6, 2012

Adopt Definite Principles to win in your life

Sibusiso Mbhele

What separates a winner from the rest of the pack is not raw talent or physical ability; it is the drive and dedication to work hard every single day and the heart to go after your dream, no matter how unattainable others think it is.

Linda Mastandrea
There are determining factors in life that crown others as winners and some losers that have prevailed over time. In life, we are inspiring to win. It might be in sport, education, music, work, relationships, politics, and e.t.c. winning is what drives us to face the new day. In the process of pursing championship, some stick to the rules and some broke those rules. However, it is playing according to the rules of championship that we become champions. I have met people who wanted to win but did not adhered to the rules of championships and failed. Champions happen to be people who were less acknowledged in their lives. Champions learned to do things that losers did not do. In my process of studying champions in the process of enhancing myself as a speaker, I learnt many things that make a champion.

Some people have believed in their minds that champions are extra-ordinary people. Champions are people who go an extra mile than losers.  The curios part about champions is that they are not born as champions but they are made to be champions. Championship transcend being in the field of play but excellence is their core principle.

In this article, I want to share with many people the scoop of winning in life. For champions are different from the mediocre. In my book why sit there, I spoke about getting out of your comfort zone. So, champions feel strong when they are under pressure. They perform more when the opposition rises against them. You cannot earn a championship title unless your back is strong to face every setbacks. Dr. John Tibane once said, “You need to turn your setbacks into your comeback.” To be a champion it requires that you wake up each time you fall.  Championship is not the matter of not failing but rising up each time, you fail.
Champions are people of influence with their lives. These people worked hard to get into the spot light and still work hard to remain. In a nutshell, champions are leaders. They are the true reflection of leaders no matter what comes their way. Champions fight the good fight of faith. Champions believe in themselves. Champions work in themselves before they get into championships. Lastly, champions possess a dynamic desire that lastly them for the good course and a lifetime.
Champions are principled people. They live a life which is value driven. To be a champion in your life, you need to have principles that distinguish you from the rest of other people. This mean understanding what you need to do, to reach a high peak. Successful people have this in common, principles that they live according. You will never be a champion unless you have principles that will accelerate you into a championship.
As someone, enjoy watching sports, all champions in every sport codes have principles that they follow everyday. Whenever, they have made it to the top, they recite such principles when interviewed. In my career as a speaker and author, I came up with this three ground principles of champions. They are the core of the ones I was to think of. 

Play where you can win
To be a champion it calls that you find a sweet spot. A sweet spot is an area where you can excel. Where is an area where you can excel more than your opposition? Most people have failed to live remarkable lives due to the failure of focusing on the places where they can win. People who have earned championships are the ones who have find their sweet spots.
If you want to improve your impact as a leader, build upon your strengths by spending as much time as you can doing what you do really well, learn to do what you do not know how to do, and spend as little time as possible doing things you do not do well.

Soccer stars, netball, hockey, music, movies, basketball and baseball they all have one thing in common, they are playing where they can win. They did not watch other people doing what they do best and tried to be them but they followed their desires. What is your sweet spot? Where are you playing to win?
If you were to be given everything that money can buy and the sum of money you have been thinking about, where can you express yourself? What is that activity that puts a smile in your face, wake you up in the morning?

Discover Your Passion
Before you set your intention, it is important to know what you are passionate about. Do you know what you are truly passionate about? If you do, Great! Do this next exercise to confirm your passion. If you do not know what your passion is, pay particular attention to this next section. Discovering what you are passionate about is simple to do. Simply think about what you love to do. Think about what gives you the most pleasure.
How do you know you are passionate about something? Just recognize how you feel when you think of that thing. What do you talk about most of the time? What are you thinking about even when you shouldn’t be thinking about it? Which book section do you go to at the bookstore or the library? Which magazines do you buy or look through? What subjects were most appealing to you when you were in school? What do you do research on? What are your hobbies? What are the things you really enjoy spending time doing? Start to think about some of the things that you have done in the past that you became passionate about.

Think about a time in your life when you were the happiest and the most peaceful and remember what it was that you were doing, having or being. Ask yourself the appropriate questions. You will get the answers. If you do not have answers to the questions immediately, ask again and again until you get the answers. Try doing different activities – drafting, gardening, public speaking, lecturing, a sales profession, writing – and use your gut instinct to determine your level of passion.

Here are the questions to help discover what you are passionate about. Record your answers as you ask the questions and review them later. Keep these questions for future reference. Your passion may change as you get older, or your passion may change when circumstances in your life change, so you may want to keep these questions handy for future reference. You can also use these questions to determine your continued level of passion after you have set your goals, to decide whether the goals you have set for yourself are true for you.

Here are the questions to determine your passion:
What do I really want to do with my life?
What am I passionate about?
What do I love?
Where would I go if I had the freedom to go anywhere?
What would I do if I could do anything?
What would I have if there were no limits?
Who would I become?
What gives me the most satisfaction in my life?
What do I really enjoy doing in my spare time?
What motivates me?
What inspires me?
What excites me?
What drives me?
When I have had the experience of jumping out of bed with excitement, what was the cause?
What have I done in the past that has given me the most pleasure?
How do I want to contribute to the lives of others?
What would I like to give to others?
How would I like to be remembered?
If I were granted one wish, and I knew that that wish would be granted, what would I wish for?

You’ll know what your true passion is by the way you feel when you answer these questions. When you reread your answer you will feel the blood rush in your veins. You will feel excitement and energy. You will feel inspired. You will want to get up and go!
Know your passion before you move on to the next part of this lesson.

Do what is essential
When you have found that spot, you need to do just what is essential for you to win. Being a champion, is sticking to the core things that makes you a champion. Focus your attention on the activities that accelerates you. Only use your energy on the things that you enjoy doing and you do well. 
You can never be a champion doing things that does not contribute in you becoming a champion. Ahead of you, there is always victory but if only you stick to the right activities.
There are three fundamental areas that will define your success as a champion: how well you lead yourself, how well you lead others, and how well you lead the organization. Only if you can master these, will you achieve true greatness.

Do it at the speed of execution
Champions are crowned within a given time. To be a champion, you need to master time. It takes ninety minutes for a soccer match for a champion to be crowned.  If you cannot master the art of time in your way to the top, you cannot remain there for some time. We are all given 24 hours a day to influence where we work, in our relationships, society, more but we complain about not having enough time. Champions do not complain about the time given to play the game. The reason being is that they start the game with an understanding that 90 minutes, 80 minutes etc. is what they have win. They begin the game with high energy to score the winning goal.
The most contributing factor to many failures has been their slow pace. They did not acknowledged time given to them. All great champions or stars and leaders have maximized their activities within time they had. What are you doing with your 24 hours per day? Do you feel lacking time or clear goals? 

I have provided you with essential tools to win. Your life is a valuable treasure that needs to be exploded. Only people who have mastered the art of winning have reaped the fruits of living a good life. Dare to win in your everyday life and apply these principles.

Sibusiso Mbhele is a transformational speaker ,Life Coach and an author of three books; Three Areas to a Successful Career, Why Sit there ‘till you die and The Make of a Champion.

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