SIBUSISO MBHELE is a Founder and Managing Director of the Sibusiso Mbhele Consulting Pty Ltd. He started his career by studying at the Unversity of KwaZulu-Natal; Diploma in Education and Training, Bachelor of Community and Development Studies and Honours Degree in Community Development. He worked at Bathandeni Youth Empowerment Programme as an Eduaction Officer, Department of Community Development as a Tutor, Department of Student Housing as a Residence Assistant, Mpilonhle as a Project Officer and worked as a Research Consultant at Ngwelezane Hospital under his company Innovative-veins Development Projects cc.
He wrote some articles for the Zululand Observer 2010 on Career Development while he was working at Mpilonhle. He designed and implemented the Career Guidance Project at Mpilonhle in Mtubatuba. He is an Author of Why Sit There till you Die? and Thre Areas for a Successful Career. His passion for personal development, career development, life coaching and organizational have been realized by the active engagement in Public Speaking around these areas in High Schools and Tertiary Institutions as well as at a Community Level.